MLK & Howard St

Sensing the onset of spring and the deluge of budding branches and the leaves that will follow, it's like bags these days are reaching out and just begging to be noticed before they are engulfed by green. Not to belabor old news, but it's certainly a bold move by Baltimore bags to be sticking their necks out like this. Like an all-out act of defiance in reaction to the recent San Francisco bag ban. Bags shall not be oppressed!
Here's where you can witness this display of bold bag braggadocio in person.
Dolphin St & Mason St

Despite recent weather patterns suggesting winter-like conditions (what did the groundhog predict?) spring is in full effect and technically has been for nearly a month now. Even if it's a bit blustery out, the branches (or respositories, as well like to call them) of our fair city's trees are beginning to show signs of spring. This Bolton Hill bloomer may be the last of a dying breed, meaning that as Charissa so deftly pointed out, that the objects of our affection will soon go into hiding. Perhaps it's good that they'll be hiding soon with all this anti-bag dribble littering the conversation.
See it here before it's overtaken by blossoms.
CC: Fagley St & Dillon St

Like a trapeze artist,
this bag seems to be swinging from tree limb to tree limb. Spring is on it's way, and even though many bags will be out to play, fewer will be visible after the leaves fill in. We're happy to bring some green back to Baltimore, certainly, but BIT will just have to get a little more crafty at spotting our precious bags — that's all.
CC: 931 S Linwood Ave

Back lit by dusk in Baltimore, this bag hangs precariously on a few branches of this fruit tree. Looking more relaxed in this tree than snagged, it is almost as if this bag stopped to watch the sun go down and will soon be moving on to another location.
Has this bag stayed? Or has it moved on since this photo was taken? If your curiosity has gotten the best of you, visit this bag by clicking
BIT: NY Report

From Mobtown back to the Big Apple, here's another out-of-towner perched near the St. Mark's Hotel. With all these NYC posts recently, you'd think we were trying to pick a fight with someone. But that's certainly not the case even though some are fanning the flames.
CC: Fagley St & Foster Ave

The staff at Bags in Trees are rule followers. We like rules, standard operating procedures and clear outcomes. Typically, I would shrug off any attempt to distract us from our singular vision to bring you images of bags in trees, but today's bag was too beautiful to keep to ourselves. It is clearly
not a bag in a tree, but rather a bag in a power line.
Because our subjects are the bags themselves, I feel that we have crossed into a gray area of sorts which allows me to share this find. For not only do I have a photo of this phenomenon, but also a
Likely due to an unappreciative neighbor (or BG&E), this bag is
no longer available to be seen in person.
BIT: NY Report

Despite receiving national attention for our position on the activities undertaken by Bette Midler and the NYRP, we have yet to hear from Ms. Midler or her publicist. However, this ought to ruffle the feathers in Bette's boa a bit. Straight from NYC's Washington Square Park, proof that the NYRP's efforts are futile.
Guest BIT: Ramsay St & W Barre St

Guest BIT from Pigtown! We keep hearing rumors about the bags of
Pigtown, but this is the first we've seen any proof of their existence. These images come to us by way of Carol, and she managed to capture three BIT in the
Barre Circle area!
We have a sneaking suspicion that there are more BIT to be seen over in Pigtown, and we hope that we can continue to rely on the residents of that fine neighborhood to send them in. Thanks, Carol!

BIT for the record
BIT was recently asked to provide a statement by w/r/t a disturbing
situation in San Francisco. A portion of that statement appears in a Baltimore
Sun article today. For the sake of being complete, this is what we say officially, for the record, and all that:
"We don't condemn the use of alternative grocery recepticles per se. Rather, we are concerned with the preservation of naturally occurring phenomena in city tree branches most commonly associated with plastic grocery bags. In that light, the situation in San Francisco is certainly troubling as it threatens to make extinct the public (and very natural) art we promote at Bags In Trees. It's clear that news of this pre-emptive strike on bags in trees by a few San Francisco tree-hugging, bag-hating fanatics, points to an environmentalist agenda aimed at taking art away from decent people. And that's just not right."
However, the most disturbing thing from Mr. Kasper's article is the outing of himself as well as naming two other Baltimoreans who have apparently been brainwashed by the extremist ideology of the NYRP and have formed a sleeper cell in our own fair city, taking it upon themselves to use make shift bag snaggers to de-bag Baltimore's trees. Bag lovers unite!
BIT hits the big time
BIT is indeed honored to have been
featured in Laura Vozzella's
Sun column yesterday. Of course, it was only a matter of time before the MSM would start to embrace our righteous cause.
CC: Foster Ave & S Grundy St

Spring is in the air — at least for a few days it was! All over our beautiful city, bags are blooming in trees. Although we appreciate the image of every bag that we see, there is nothing more breathtaking that Baltimore's bags in trees (BIT) in the Spring. Isn't she gorgeous? Nestled in this flowering tree in the heart of
Brewer's Hill, this is something you might just want to see
in person.
Guest BIT: Booker T Washington MS

WOW. Today's Guest BIT(s) bring awe and fascination to the staff here at BIT. Outside of
Booker T Washington Middle School in Bolton Hill are trees
dripping with bags. How long it took for this to happen is unknown, but we can guarantee that this is a sight rarely seen.

This is sure
to make Bette Midler crazy, but BIT fans have nothing to say to the photographer but, "Thank you." Thank you for capturing such an amazing scene of our Baltimore landscape.