CC: 3500 Foster Ave.
These are hard times, but many still find solace in faith. BIT has faith that this bag will stay put for a long time in front of Bishop John Neuman's School on Foster St. These trees and buildings have often been a haven for bags gone astray, and the staff at BIT will continue to look to the Bishop for examples of bags caught in the safe arms of love.
CC: Dillon St & Highland Ave
This is one twister sister! This gal is enjoying the high life in one of Baltimore's finest neighborhoods - Canton. Not afraid to show off her moves, she's showing up all those girls that frequent Canton square. No one has moves like this girl!

CC: 3409 Foster Ave
This house has showcased bags in trees multiple times over the years. I guess these branches are ideal for bag parties. I am especially impressed with the white lady seen in this first photo - gorgeous! We can only hope that she stays around for awhile. She is a sight to behold and completely untouchable. Happy V-day, BIT fans.