CC: S Clinton St & Fait St

What a lovely day!
This girl was found high up in the trees in the heart of Canton's remodeling district. Could she be a worker's lunch bag? Or a school child's gym clothes bag? I suppose we'll never really know. But what we
do know is that this bag is an important contributor to the success and future of this fine neighborhood. Even discarded it continues to be useful and
You've gotta love a bag that knows how to pay it forward.
CC: N Central Ave & Mullikin St

Speaking of architecture - wow! What a beautiful backdrop for another striking bag in tree! And
this bag was not only in public view, but it was located outside of one of Baltimore's esteemed schools, educating our city's children about beauty and the urban landscape everytime they enter and exit.
The day this photo was taken was a breezy one - I'm curious how long this little bag lasted before being blown on to another location. If your commute takes you near Dunbar High, take a look.
CC: S Patterson Park & Cambridge St

One of my favorite things about Baltimore is the diversity of the landscape and the architecture. Just look at this brickwork! And what a better find than
an exhausted bag surviving gallantly in a nearby tree?
Baltimore is full of survivors these days - from buildings and bags right down to the steadfastness of its residents. This is a city of enduring dreams. Welcome to the little city (full of bags) that could.
CC: S Highland St & Fait St

Oh how hard Canton Middle School strives to keep Bags In Trees away from their school, but every so often we spot them... like
this one we spotted a few months back. Looking for our precious bags keeps our heads up and our eyes in the trees for the beautiful images that we share with you here. I am nearly 100% sure that
this bag is no longer here, but if you're in the neighborhood and can report back, please do so for some extra credit.