Guest BIT: County special

Stacey Alatzas, the publisher of Bel Air News & Views, sends us this blue bag from Bel Air (a bit of a stretch from our roots, but appreciated nonetheless) and writes the following:
"This bag has endured probably more than six months. My 3-year-old daughter thought it was a blue bird when she spied it in a bird's nest high atop an Ash tree. It remained stuck in that nest until those monsoon rains we several weeks ago. I just happened to be looking out my daughter's bedroom window the moment falling rain finally dislodged the bag from its perch and sent it tumbling down the tree branches. Torn in several places, it managed to entangle itself once again on the lower branches of a Hemlock tree. My husband tried to get at it, but it fell on our neighbor's property, beyond a barbed wire fence. The only way to reach it is to drive a quarter mile to the front of the property and then trek through a large field. I think we'll let nature continue to take its course."Ah, it's so nice to meet other pro-wind people.
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