Hudson St

This winter has been especially harsh for our fine city, and wherever you look, both the landscape and people seem to be a bit worn and ragged. Bags in trees are everywhere, and although we at BIT have been run a bit ragged ourselves, we should be taking the time to document the toll that the weather has taken on our favorite subjects. Behold a bag in a tree on Hudson Street in Canton sent in by DF. Thank you, DF, for the contribution.
Eaton St and Foster St
S Highland Ave and Fleet St
CC: Eaton St and Fait St
Midnight Lady...
We're Loving It!
Much thanks to the
Urban Discoveries Living Blog for the shout out this morning. Yes, we realize that some find our mission silly, but we are proud to find beauty where others see only ugliness. Thanks for the mention - we're happy to be here and happy to share.
CC: Sacred Heart
Yet another fine example of our bags finding a place of refuge. The religious organizations in our city are some of the most helpful and charitable organizations that we have - we'd be lost without the work that they do. Sacred Heart is no exception - from their senior programs to their housing of our migrant bags in trees, this Church is a cherished part of our community.
CC: 3719 Fait Ave
With as cold as it's been this winter, these bags appear that they feel like the rest of us in Baltimore feel - cold and exposed. No matter how much we bundled and no matter how fast we walked, it was painful out there. This pair seem to be hanging on, but they look as cold as their fellow Baltimore neighbors have been lately. Let's hope this nice weather sticks around for awhile and we can all warm up.